We love a good VW model, and a few years back Matchbox released their 1:64 scale Mk3 Golf – first in a solid green color, with an opening rear hatch. Was that green color a match for the Pistachio from the Harlequin? Well, if you’ve got one of those, and get in on this release, you’ll be able to hold them next to each other to find out.
You see, making new casts for models seems to be something that Hot Wheels and Matchbox – sister companies both owned by Mattel, just like Barbie – doesn’t do too often, and then they’ll roll out different colors and options for years to come. The Hot Wheels Mk2 Golf has been sold in dozens of different versions, and the mk1 Rabbit Pickup truck release in the last 10 years has also seen its fair share of versions.
As well as the green mk3, there’s just been a second color released on that casting ahead of the online first Harlequin – a dark blue one with some very Audi Avus looking 6 spoke wheels – that was spotted by our friend Sean Maynard:
But the Harlequin won’t be a full normal ‘in the supermarkets’ release like it’s green and blue predecessors. For starters it’s $25 (just under 20 quid, or about €22.85..), and it’s only being released online for members of the famous to Hot Wheels collectors Red Line Club, which is $9.99 per year. So that would put you at about $35 for one, with a normal limit of 1 or 2 of each models per member.
Now, is it worth it? You can decide that for yourself, but we know we’ll be ready with our payment cards, like a Fry from Futurama meme… It goes for sale on October 17th, 2024 at 9am PST (that’s west coast USA time..)

And a final thought – the photo close ups on the official site don’t look so great – some AI gnerated perhaps? -, but we’ve got a few of the green versions on our desks here, and trust us.. they look great. That rear double exit exhaust aside maybe, but we can overlook that. You can still find those green ones sometimes in the supermarkets – they’re in a orange box labeled MOVING PARTS – and the price of those is usually under $5 – maybe about $3.99 in Walmart stores etc. The Blue one was just released, so should be easier to find. Happy hunting!
See the full official page here : creations.mattel.com