We send the list of subscribers to the printers about 2 weeks before the issue is set to release, so depending on when you subscribe, it can take 2-6 weeks to get your first issue.

This means you won’t get this months issue, for sure. You’ll definitely get 12 issues, starting with the next one that’s going to print.

We’re trying to keep the mag in stores, but.. it’s not easy. Honestly, the best way to get the mag is to please subscribe.

In the UK and Ireland, there’s a decent chance you’ll find a copy – but the very big stores are cutting back on magazine space, and they pay us less than £1 per mag, so it’s not really a good deal for us unfortunately and doesn’t make it sustainable to push for shelf space. Which rather breaks our old hearts, but that’s the reality at the moment.

In the USA, we’re hearing that some big stores do have copies – they’re coming from distributors in Europe – but the prices seem to be about US $22-$24 from what we hear. Again, we’re getting $1-$2 max per sale, so while we greatly appreciate the experience of going to the store and managing to find a copy to excitedly buy, it’s not helping magazines stay sustainable in our humble opinions, but is rather a possibly outdated model that doesn’t work great for us, and it seems a lot of publications.

So… best thing to do honestly is to please subscribe directly.

You didn’t get it, and we get it, and are here to try to help.

FIrst of all, it might be delayed – they’re printed and shipped from England, and so we’re at the mercy of possibly multiple post offices, shipping companies, and the people putting it in your mail box.

We’re working on building a delivery guideline using the hashtag #igotmyPVW which you can help by using it and including your location in the post. Here’s what we’re seeing early on:

The mag is usually published around the 10th of the month, after that delivery could take …

UK : a few days to about 1 to 2 weeks

Europe : 2 to 3 weeks

USA + Canada : 3 to 5 weeks (which means you might still be getting yours delivery while the UK is getting next months.. we don’t love this, but it’s the reality at the moment, sorry.

We are actively trying to refine these delivery dates, so if you can be bothered, please email subs@pvwmag.com and we will build up a better picture of how long delivery actually takes!

And… if you still haven’t received it – please email us with your full name, email address, and mailing address, and we’ll take a look on the back end and make sure it’s all in order. We really want you to be happily reading the magazine each month, thank you.

We currently do NOT have any officlal resellers for our paper subscriptions – the only official place is here on our website.

We’ve seen some unauthorised websites selling subscriptions, which are best case okay-ish or making a quick buck and you’ll hopefully get the mag, or at worst case are totally fraudulent, and they never intend to ship you a copy.

We’ve seen one person who paid via a random site, emailed them to ask about it, and got told to contact the magazine. We had no record of them, and had no connnection to the random site. We think these ‘subsciption sites’ model is to buy mags destined for stores and then send them out to you, which we can’t really stop and that’s okay as long as you get the magazine. But we don’t get your info, so we can’t help with any questions.

And as store copies pay us less than 20% of the cover price, it unfortunately doesn’t help the mag out too much. So please do subscribe here on the website, and please be careful on the internet.

We’re daydreaming about a online submission option, but until that day comes.. please email Elliott the Editor – his email is in the front of the magazine. 🙂

Thanks for asking, it really helps us produce the magazine!
Please contact us via the form on the website : https://pvwmag.com/contact

As a guidelines, for 2025 our advertising rate for a 1/2 page is £300 $390 €360 per issue.

We love shows, and we’d love to help!

If we’re at the show representing the magazine, or if you’ve advertised your show in the magazine and have an agreement, you’re likely all set. But as there’s a lot (A LOT) of shows, and we only have so much space, so with 12 issues per year, and space for only 1 or 2 shows per month, we can’t print everything, but we still want to help so here’s what we can do and suggest:

  1. You’ll need to supply photos, and unless one of our staff or contributors will be there, you being able to have someone at the show do a writeup is incredibly helpful too. We also REALLY appreciate it when you include the mags logo in your show advertising – especially if we’ve featured your show in the past.Then as long as the photos are decent, we can proceed..:
  2. We’ll put the show up on the website, which has infinite space for photos of course.
  3. Then Elliott the Editor chooses which shows and coverage gets print space. Space is at a premium, so please don’t be offended if it doesn’t make it. Again, ignore this if you’ve got an advertising or other agreement in place already.
  4. We’ll also try to share on our socials, but if you’re able to send 10 square formatted photos, which the car owners name and Instagram handles, that will help a huge amount.

We need the following info:

Event Name
Event Location
Event Website or Social URL
Is it VW Group Only, or European Cars Only, or Open to All Cars ?

The cutoff for the Annual Event Planner is early December each year. The earlier the better please. You can also buy a advertising spot on the Event Planner, with your shows logo, which gives you a bit of a boost, and helps us produce it each year. 🙂

Since 1996, and continuing now that we are independanely publishing the magazine, it’s printed and shipped from England.

We’re looking at options for having a simultaneous print run in North America for faster shipping, but honestly, we need to increase subscriptions and sales in the USA and Canada. We’re working on that.

Not at the moment, but we’re working towards it. We’ve got hundreds- possibly thousands – of back issues that we’re kept safe for years, but we’re working flat out on making the magazine safe and sound for the future so haven’t gotten the back issue options going yet. Thanks for your patience.

We don’t like this answer, but at the moment, we aren’t set up for selling an individual copy on its own, sorry.

We’re looking at methods to be able to do this, either a single copy, and also a 5 or 25 pack, but it’s rather complicated with global shipping costs and furfilment options etc. We would love to, and look forward to, in the future.

This isn’t something that’s been offered in the past, but we’re looking at options for the future. There’s a few companies that sell framed pages online, but we have NO relationship with them – we’re really excited when we see them on your walls, but it’s buyer beware on them and we can’t help if they don’t come through, sorry. We’ll update if / when we do have a solution, thank you.